Monday, April 1, 2019

Bad Moons da best!

Made it to the battle almost entirely painted! This was a crazy game 20 players all bringing 200 battle level then we added super heavies! A great group of players who had fun without getting upset when models got shot to pieces! Also everyone was easy going about those of us with less 8th edition experience.

So, everything had some paint my deffakoppas were the only thing that didn't pass for fully painted. Had to do some packing

So, got there and had a ton of fun. I had two units become the MVPs.

So the gretchin unit (gobbos) are sitting on one of the objectives. They held that the whole game. One turn it was actually the primary. I put them forward on it as a joke that they didn't know any better. Now they did have back up

Basically supporting them was a unit of lootas, Ork shootas, painboyz, mek with shield and another gobbos unit to soak up wounds. Plus the Imperium players had so many orks moving right at them, this was a hard enough nut no one wanted to crack. The game runner joked my Bad Moons payed everyone else to distract the Imperium so he could get something from that spot. Seems to have worked. The Ork rush was big.

But my other mvp, was the often maligned on the internet, Stompa.

The Stompa destroyed one of the large knights in one turn. Another turn a superheavy tank and a bunch of basilisks. Another turn a bunch of leman russ and most of a standard imperial knight. He also took an insane amount of shots, holding on one turn with 1 wound! But eventually went down. Was a great overall game and crazy stuff happened all over. This week I'm working on some Nurgle tanks for the sequel in two weeks.

But I'll end with a few more pics of the mayhem.

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