Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Battle of Vigilus part 2

So, after the crazy rush paint and build of the Orks, I imagined what I could do in 2 weeks. Would I finish Dark Angels..... Nope managed to build and basecoat a tank. Also basecoated a bunch of Nurgle models but no real painting.

However, I did make it to a second Apocalypse game. Abbadon tried to assault an Imperium region. However, no chaos force was listening. So Mortarion due to an old promise to Horus (take care of the kid) a large Nurgle force came to help (majority of chaos players were Nurgle).

We also had a massive side attack on the Imperium by the Eldar..... And I do mean massive!

My mission was to hold a pipeline, capture an Inquisitor trying to get to a ship, and take over a water purifier. My opposite side of the table had a guard army. The nurglings really were the MVPs. They deployed forward on objectives and took an insane amount of fire. They actually eventually took the water purifier. My plague tower and Mortarion were decimated by the superheavy tank. 2d6 damage a hit! Took 27 on the plague tower in one turn! The fetid plague drones held the platform allowing the plague burster crawlers to destroy the Inquisitors ride. A summoned group of plague bearers then ate him. Overall a fun game. I really have to better deploy plague Marines. My Glotkin knight and many others never got in. Overall Eldar did the best, and chaos lost (abbadon and his force were destroyed).

Next is in two months. Debating working on Primaris Dark Angels, Eldar soup, or finally paint Wordbearers. Choices.

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