Monday, April 22, 2019

Starfinder, Current 40k

New week and vacation arrives. Vacation often winds up getting little hobby time since there are always more house and cleaning projects to do! Plus I never quite get to finishing the gaming basement. Anyway, first with mini progress

The Shadowspear models are amazing. I mostly left them as is. I did swap the yelling captain for a Dark Angels helmet. Most of this set will got to the dark Angels but I think the Lt and autocannons will go with blood Angels. I think this fully cements that the knights I'm getting this week will go to House Orhlacc to back the Angels as opposed to bieng crazy with Word Bearers. Think the Word Bearers might go big tank with traitor guard instead. 

Of course all this gets problematic because Bones 4 arrived and needs unboxing, building, and washing.

Against the Aeon Throne

My group decided to give Starfinder another shot. A combo of timing and in my opinion weak first book led to Dead Suns and Starfinder not working well for us. So a couple of us decided on our Friday off to give it a try. So I gmed the first module of Aeon Throne.

Wow, this to me was a great introduction to the system and setting. The party arrives to a colony to deliver supplies and are immediately attacked by two drones around the planet. 

Sorry, not a lot of pics, focused on learning rules. I tend to use the Starfinder Pawns, since my mini collection doesn't really cover Starfinder well. 

The opening battle I think was easier to get the feel for space ship combat without the frustration my group felt in Dead Suns. While I'm still curious how it will be with bigger ships to gm, but I do like the system now.

The rest of the module focuses on freeing the colony, looking for their friend, and investigating the ancient ship that caused all of this. The freeing of the colony made for some great story moments. To the point that when the rest of our 5e group arrived, the Starfinder players convinced them to join this campaign! Both had been less than impressed with Starfinder, but went with it. It went so well we gamed later than normal and almost finished the first module!

Everyone is looking forward to book 2, so it seems Starfinder is in the rotation!

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