Friday, March 29, 2019

One day more....

Almost to the day! Looking like 180 battle level fully painted, 20 bl and Stompa with three colors. Not too bad considering the time I had plus field trips, sickness and a one year old.

Week started with a massive staining project. Luckily Sunday was a relatively nice day. Had a nice little wind to keep the fumes away. I in general like to brush army builder strong tone on not dip. I tend to use the stain and antishine on most models. The extra protection I think is needed the amount these and boardgame models bounce around.

So while those dried I started working on the last Ork unit. Got some green on them. Wednesday I managed to spray the stained models with antishine.

Yeah a reaper model got done with them. Seems appropriate since I'll be blown off the board by turn two! Then I started the thing I didn't expect to be so hard.

Wow. I couldn't believe how bad the instructions for the Stompa were. They numbered the parts then didn't use them in the instructions! I also feel whoever wrote it was told to use as little paper as possible. This left a good deal of guessing where things needed to go. But it is an Ork piece, so to be fair there isn't a right way to do it.

I used excess parts to finish up my 2nd truck and bonecrusha. Ran out of paint for the airbrush but they are coming along nicely.

Now just to remember the rules to 40k and an army I've never used!

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